HS编码 | 6402910000 |
中文描述 | 其他橡胶、塑料过踝鞋靴 | 橡胶或塑料制外底及鞋面,防水及运动鞋靴除外 ,包括其他装金属护鞋头的橡胶、塑料鞋靴 |
英文描述 | other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics , covering the ankle,( including other footwear of rubber or plastics incorporating a protective metal toe-cap ,other than waterproof footwear and sports footwear) |
计量单位 | 千克 / 双 |
进口最惠国税率 | 10% |
进口普通税率 | 100% |
进口暂定税率 | - |
进口增值税 | 13% |
进口消费税 | 0% |